Page name: Fairy Cosplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-23 02:46:49
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
# of watchers: 6
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*Fairy Cosplay*

You must use this fairy for *Anime Fairies* and the other wikis with it

1.)Princess Fairy Is: [*Sakura-chan*]
<img300*0:>Name: Kilayla
Magical Power: Can transfrom into anything and anyone

2.) Flower Fairy Is: [Bella HeartAttack]
Magical Power: Can switch her age at anytime she wants and can turn human to.

3.) Pink Fairy Is:[*Sakura-chan*] he he
<img300*0:>Name: Rosemary
Special Power: Can make flowers grow out of nowhere and gigantic flowers for defense

4.) Fire Fairy Is:[wicked fae mage]
Special Power:Read people's aura and other personal signals easily.

5.) Cosmic Fairy Is: [Asalli_Angel]
Special Power:Able to speak to all creatures and plants.

6.) Midnight Moon Fairy Is: [Fearathress]
<img300*0:>Name: Heather
Special Power: Grant peoples wishes and to use the moons power to protect the innocent.

7.) Good Luck Fairy Is: [Blood Sucking Beauty]
<img270*0:>Name: Aurora
Special Power:Good luck if touches someone. Can turn into whatever she wants.

8.) Rose Fairy Is:
Special Power:

9.) Dream Fairy Is:
Special Power:

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2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and giggles silently as she follows after them while hardly making a sound due to not really touching the ground*

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayala: sooooo....mizuri
Rosemary: *giggles*

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: It's Mizuru, but yes? *tilts her head with a soft smile*

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: oh sorry he he
Rosemary: hahahaah!! *laughs Mizuru* you felt for it *transfroms back to Kilayla*

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: oh sorry he he
Rosemary: hahahaah!! *laughs at Mizuru* you felt for it *transfroms back to Kilayla*

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks* Huh? What did you just...? How...? Oh I'm confused... ^^'

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: i was transformed into rosemary while
Rosemary: *continues* Kilayla was being me

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* okay, you two sure are silly. XP

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^
Rosemary: ^ ^

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and shakes her head* Oh well, shall we go look for the others? XP

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ok
Rosemary: ^ ^

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Okay ^_^ *flutters onward*

2007-08-07 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: *Sits on a tree in the forest glistening green*

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *waves cheerfully to Aurora* Hello there ^_^ What's your name stranger?

2007-08-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: oh no a stranger!!!
Rosemary: copy that *attaks Aurora*

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks* Huh? What are you doing that for? That's not polite you two... Looks fun to tackle a stranger as long it's for fun but still.. Some manners is appropriate ^^ *looks thoughtful* I so sounded like a mom there didn't I? *giggles* Oh dear, that was not intended *smiles*

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: O_O *quickly flutters off from her post on the tree* Hi. I'm Aurora.

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and waves cheerfully* My name is Mizuru, these two sillies is Kilayla and Rosemary, nice to meet you Aurora, beautiful name by the way

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora:*smiles* Thank you. *shimmers her wings lightly letting green fairy dust float around*

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles back* You're welcome and well it is a beautiful name, I haven't seen you around here before, I otherwise love to walk around in these woods... Are you new here?

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: I blend with the trees. So no one would know im here unless i want them to know.

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Okay, that sounds quite nifty *she forms a orb in her hands to light the scenario* (is assuming it's night, sorry if the idea it isn't but yeah there haven't really been said so, well actually last time it was night/evening so yeah)

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: *Squints her eyes from the light as green fairy dust glistened*

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks* Oh sorry? Is it too bright for you? *dims the light in the orb a bit*

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: *Smiles* Thanks.

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles brightly* You're welcome ^^ What made you appear for us then?

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: *giggles lightly* I needed someone to talk to.

2007-08-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Yeah we all sometimes need that, don't we? ^^

2007-08-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *laughs* when i say that it means a tickle attack *giggles*
Rosemary: *starts tickeling Aurora* he he

2007-08-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: AHH! *laughs*

2007-08-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *giggles*
Rosemary: *stops* ^-^

2007-08-10 [Asalli_Angel]: hi?

2007-08-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: ....what are you doing here lol

2007-08-10 [Asalli_Angel]: I'm not sure how to join neh?

2007-08-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: click "Edit this page" then choose the character and everything then when your done click "sumbit changes to this page" k? ^ ^

2007-08-10 [Asalli_Angel]: Ok cool!

2007-08-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hey look!!
Rosemary: hu?

2007-08-10 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: mewl?

2007-08-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: whos that?
Rosemary: lets go intrudute ourselves *walks towards Yuki*

2007-08-11 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *Peeps out from behind a lotus* Mewl?
*Tilts head in curiousity*

2007-08-11 [Bella HeartAttack]: Rain: *flying around as a 6 year old*

2007-08-11 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles dimly and follows after the others while humming an old song*

2007-08-11 [Asalli_Angel]: *looks up in curiosity clenching at her white staff warily*

2007-08-11 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *waves cheerfully* Hello there, who might you be? My name is Mizuru

2007-08-12 [Bella HeartAttack]: Rain: *hides*

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *coming out a bit* My name is Yuki, Mizuru sama. I'm from Japan... But a freak wind caught me and now I don't know where I am...

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* You're here, that's all I know, only know that this is where all fairies belong ^^

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *looking startled* I didn't know there were more fairies... Mizuru sama... Is there only me and you?

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* Oh dear no, I know at least minimum five or six other fairies ^^'

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki:Really? *Climbs out from behind the lotus slowly, holding her staff infront of her* Where?

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks and looks about* Now where did they go...? There was at least three present here just a short while ago, two of them family and quite hyper, other very timid and shy... Had the ability to make herself appear and disappear at will apparently ^^'

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki:... Will they like me?

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* I'm sure they'll love you ^_^ After all usually then fairies are cheerful creatures by nature.

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: They are? *Smiles releived*

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *nods* It's a rare few that's in bad moods... Or at least for a longer time... XD

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Oh... I didn't know that. *smile* You're very kind Mizuru sama!

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and bows* Thank you and well most any fairies that I know is, some a little more boisterous then others though but always kind and friendly. ^_^

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *blushing* How rude of me! *Bows deeply staff in hand* I am very pleased to meet you! Mewl!

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Not at all, but it's an honor meeting you too my dear, was just bowing in gratitude for the compliment ^^

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *cocks head in confusion* neh?

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: You said I was kind, right? I just bowed in gratitude for giving me that compliment dear. ^_^

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Oh...*feels idiotic*

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* No worry, I usually am the spacey one.. So I usually am the one getting lost in conversations, so I know how it is.

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Oh... I see. But you don't seem spacey! You're very nice!

2007-08-12 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles softly* Just because I'm spacey don't mean I can't be nice.. *grins* Besides then you haven't seen me as I am usually.

2007-08-12 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: mewl?

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ok im back!!!

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and waves* Welcome back! ^_^

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hey! were are the others?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *shrugs* No idea, but I found Yuki here, she's from Japan ^^

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: thats so cool!! ^ ^

2007-08-14 [wicked fae mage]: kaji:boo! japan? that sounds interesting!!!

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Yeah it does ^^'

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: maybe we should go there sometime!!!

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Sounds like fun but where is it? I've never heard of it... (I'm going on that she is a fairy that has lived all her live in this place and never even heard of the outside world ^^')

2007-08-14 [wicked fae mage]: kaji: field trip^^

2007-08-14 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Aurora: O_o

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: I'm Yuki! I come from Japan! Nice to meet you! (Deep bow She's very nervous)

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles to Yuki* These where the others I talked about, they might be a little hyper at times but they're nice ^_^

2007-08-14 [wicked fae mage]: kaji: i am the worst with hyperness^^ i just ate two gallons of ice cream^^

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: ice cream? What has that got to do with being... Hyper?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* For a fairy then sugar is very effective and in ice cream there is quite a lot of sugar XP I know from experience *smiles with a blush of embarrassment*

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *looks on curiously* Really?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* Yes, it does, just ask any fairy ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: ...*wide eyes*

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks dimly* huh? What's wrong?

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *smiling happily* Nothings wrong.

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles relieved* That's great to hear, was just worried at your reaction that's all I suppose ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: I was surprised, so many came out at once. When I expected none.

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Oh there is more, that's just a few ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: ...*wider eyes* Oh... Really?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* Oh yes, it's just how to find them and knowing it ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: yuki: *Smiles* I'll take you're word for it then!

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles softly* Okay ^_^

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki:... Can I hug you?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Sure, why not? ^^

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *runs and hugs*

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles softly and hugs back*

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Thank you alot. It's so great to be here. Erm... *steps back* What's an ice cream?

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you dont know what ice cream is?????? *falls over*

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* To put it as simple as possible, it's frozen pieces of sugarheaven, it also comes in many flavors ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *confuzed* Frozen peices of... sugarheaven? Is that good?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* It's delicious to put it mildly ^^

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: mewl?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* I think I'll better serve you some my friend to show you what I'm talking about, you'll first understand once you've tried ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *very curious* ok...

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles and heads on to her home* I'll be right back ^^' *lifts from the ground as she flaps her wings faster and flies off to her house*

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *Sits on the lotus obeidiantly*

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *returns not too long after with a huge platter with ice cream which she places on a treestub*

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *flutters over* Is that it?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Yes, this is the most common and basic one, vanilla, there is later millions of flavors to choose from such as Chocolate and yeah well pretty much whatever you desire ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *dips a finger in and smells the substance suspiciously* I just eat it?

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *nods with a smile* Yeap ^_^ Though take it easy, otherwise you'll get brainfreeze, even though I've never personally experienced it ^^'

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *Slowly puts it to her mouth... Her eyes widen and she flushes bright pink* It's... It's Ok... *grabs the plate and dips another finger in*

2007-08-14 [*Sakura-chan*]: kilayla: ^ ^

2007-08-14 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Share with me? (@Kilayla)

2007-08-14 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* Go on ahead, just remember to not go too fast ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *with exaggerated slowness plopped her finger into her mouth*

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* Yeah okay, didn't have to take it that literally XD

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *grins and scoops another dollop onto her finger* I like!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Then think about that there is other flavors as well, it's just to find your favorite actually ^^'

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: what is she eating?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: YUki: *grinning* Strawberry flavoured ice cream!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Okay, just a minute then I'll come with some :P *flies off to get some Strawberry flavored ice cream*

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: mewl!

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: so you loved it hu? ^ ^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Yes!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *returns a little later with a big pot filled with strawberry ice cream* ^^' There you go, you can also now feel free to share if you don't intend on eating it all, incase then I can always get some more for them XP

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Mewl! *incapable of saying much else due to a full mouth*

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you think she eat it all? *anime sweat drop*

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* It would be fun to see anyway ^^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *well on her way of stuffing herself but turning green*

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins and walks over and does the Heimlich* I told you to take it easy ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *coughs* Ehehe~~ It was good.

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^'

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Good to hear but still take it easy ^_^ (You know Asalli? Considering what's happening every where else right now then that just made me laugh XP)

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: (you are gross)
Yuki: *big smile* Ok. I'll listen to you. I'll be very good.

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: (I know, but can't help it with all happening about ^^' Besides I just said it made me laugh, you decided on thinking of that XD So who's gross? XP)
Mizuru: *smiles softly* Good, don't want you to get ill or harm yourself due to getting to eager with eating ice cream ^^

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: yup!!

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: okies!
(still... You're gross)

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: (why? i dont get it)
Kilayla: lets go somewhere

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: (Okay, well currently can't help it as you know ^^')
Mizuru: *smiles and turns to Kilayla* Do you also want some ice Cream by the way? Sorry for not asking earlier I simply forgot ^^'

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: why do you always do that face? "^^'"

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *shrugs* Just what I do I suppose

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: oh

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: What face?

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: this one ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *giggles* I think It's a cute face~

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you do?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Yeah!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *stands and looks to each as they spoke* ^^

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hey look shes back!! ^ ^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Hi Mizuru...

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* I didn't leave in the first place

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: oh you dint?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *giggles* No you silly ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *blinking* Oh, I thought you left for more ice cream.

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: yeah me too ^^'

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks* Well nobody said they wanted anymore <.< XP

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: how bout lets just.....go to the ice cream shop?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: There's an icecream shop?! Can we go? Pwetty pwease?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Of course ^_^

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ok follow me!!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *follows after while fluttering her wings lightly to keep her just exactly above the ground, tiptoeing her way after Kilayla* ^^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *flies after staff in hand*

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *turns and flies backwards while turned to Yuki* Nice staff by the way, it's a specially treasured artifact?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *blinks* I don't really know. As far as I can remember it has always been with me.

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Okay ^^' Could be it was given to you by someone precious ^^ Oh well, you said you came from Japan? How is it there? Is it nice? Do they got lot of forests? i love forests... *she looks a bit absentmindedly then returns to looking at her with a tilted head and a bright smile*

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: There's forests but there isn't many left. But there are still patches of places where it is still beautiful, steeped in a culture that has sunk into even the bones of the land. Sometimes, Japan talks to me... In a way I can't explain. It's over popultaed now, and humans have become noisy, pervading the space they once respected above all else. But still, I'd like to go back you know... Only now I don't know how too.

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: yey!!!!!!

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: eh?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *nods* Okay, well I promise to try and help you find a way to get back ^^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Domo arigato... *blinks and remebers she's speaking japanese* I mean, thank you! *hasty bow*

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: what? lol

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: I'm sorry it's rude of me to speak another language but I slip. I'm sorry!

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* It's okay ^^' I understand at least, I'm sure the others do too if you happen to slip ^^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *Smiling* I apologise in advance, please bear with me! erm... Where's the ice cream shop?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* It's okay by me, I just said that... And well it's not too far ^^'

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: right here ^ ^ *orders a pecan ice cream*

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *sniffs at Kilayla* Is it good?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks and turns around to knock straight into a chair* Ouch... Oopps.. *one hand reaches above the count and one pointing finger raises* One Rum and raisin please... *she orders with a embarrassed weak voice she then gets herself back to her feet*

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: neh?*giggles*

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *giggles* yeah it safe yuki ^ ^

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: *she let loose a string of giggles.* Rum and raisin? Is that good?

2007-08-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: wha?

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Is it good? To eat?

2007-08-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* I think so ^^' At least when it comes to ice cream ^^'

2007-08-15 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: yay!

2007-08-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: so wich one are you gonna have?

2007-08-18 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Mewl! They're all SO nice!

2007-08-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you can put two ice cream balls with different flavors ^ ^ even three!

2007-08-20 [Asalli_Angel]: Yuki: Won't the flavours change then?

2007-08-20 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: it will taste good

2007-08-20 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* And besides if they do mix then it would be two or three of your favorite tastes right? So would it really be so bad?

2007-08-20 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ?

2008-06-07 [Asalli_Angel]: Sorry, quitting

2008-07-19 [*Sakura-chan*]: oh its ok it like dead anyways

2008-07-20 [KnightAngel]: Too bad, it was quite fun anyways ^^

2012-06-14 [fae23]: hi, im sorry to interrupt but im new to this...

2012-06-14 [fae23]: *stares down*

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